Monday, December 1, 2014

Running Away From 50 and into 2015!

It's December 1st, and I've already got a plan for next year...

So here's the plan. Three marathons in one year. And yes, that's the year 2015.

Publix A1A Marathon in Fort Lauderdale February 15th
SLO Marathon in San Luis Obispo April 26th
The San Francisco Marathon July July 26th

Each of these races has a special significance to me, and I'm running them all for different personal reasons.

1st Up!

Publix Fort Lauderdale A1A Marathon

Why I'm Running: Crazy as it sounds, my wife has put up with me for 25 years. So to celebrate, we're  joining the crazy folks who offer the Run For Fun Cruises ( and going away for a 7 day cruise. To kick it off, I'm running the A1A Marathon, and then hopefully collapsing at the all-you-can-eat buffet on board the ship and eating myself into a coma.

More about the trip: So excited to be getting away. We'll be running the Full before we board, and we'll be running as a group shorter 5K and 10K's at the ships stops. We'll get to meet some great new people, get away from the world for a while, and we'll be celebrating 25 years of marriage together. Pretty sure the odds were against us getting to 25 days, so it's a pretty big deal.


San Luis Obispo Marathon
SLO Marathon!

Why I'm running: I was honored to be asked to be a race ambassador last year, a job at which I'm not very good at. But nonetheless, I wanted to do it. Unfortunately my body didn't cooperate last year, and although I wanted to be up there with the team, I couldn't run and even ran into work scheduling issues and missed the entire event.  This year will be different!

This year they've asked me back, and I'm going to make it! I'm going to tweet, post, blog, and share with anyone who'll listen, asking them to get up to the event and run with me. I'm going to train within my limits and avoid injury.

More about the trip: Short drive from LA to SLO, but it's a beautiful location. I'm going to be in the best shape of my life, I'm going to have 6 months of prep and a full under my belt. AND I'M GOING TO PR.

And Then!

The San Francisco Marathon

Why I'm Running: Mostly because I'm stupid. I ran it this year. And all I can say is I finished. Had to walk, was over 5 hours, my worst time ever, and it HURT.

More about the trip: I won't be defeated so easily. I'm going back, and I'm going to run smarter, run faster, and finish under 5 hours. Plus I get to see Stephanie Berger, and that's never a bad thing.

I'll add a few Half Marathons and shorter races in along the way, but for now, this is my year coming up!


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