Monday, November 24, 2014

The Right Side of 50!

Well I made it. To 50 that is. Also made it to The San Francisco Marathon in July, and I'm finally running again.

Overall it's been a crazy couple of months. My boss quit at work, and I got moved up to run the division. So that happened, and my time demands changed pretty quickly. Murad, Inc is a fabulous place to work, not just because you get access to the best skin care products. Because Dr. Murad really believes that you can change how you look and feel, and he want to help you. That attitude filters through everything we do, and I get to love my job.

I've been in the background for a while now, both at my last posting, and in my first 6 months or so at Murad. So it's taking a little bit of adjustment to start driving again. What is the vision for the entire organization? How does my division fit into that? What do I have to do strategically to make that happen?And then how do I execute? A little more complicated then what edits to make on the next script.

Very proud to be the EVP at Murad, and hope I can deliver what they need to achieve their goals.

But like I said, now it's time to start running again.

Back to training, a few weeks no into the typical 4 month program. Distances are building, and at least on the shorter runs, times are getting better.

I'll find time to talk a bit about The SF Marathon. Then, more on when and where I'm running my next races later...



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